List Of Samsung CSC Codes | Samsung Firmware CSC Codes
Here is the most completed list of all Samsung CSC Codes (CSC means: Consumer Software Customization, Country Software Customization, Country Sales Code).
Samsung may release the same smartphone model in many countries, but each one of those countries has its mobile network carriers (for example, the US has AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Boost Mobile, etc.). So to provide unique customization for each mobile network carrier, Samsung makes a special firmware for each of them.
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There are four types of files inside the Samsung official firmware package:
BL: for the Bootloader section.
AP: for the PDA section.
CP: for the Cell phone section.
CSC: for Software Customization (Special country or carrier applications, settings, supported languages, APN settings, Carrier branding, etc.).
You can look for the wanted Samsung CSC code by Country or by CSC code.
Notice: This list is updated regularly, and we tried to include all the known Samsung CSC codes. You can help us keep it up to date. So if you know any new CSC code or you found wrong info on this list, please leave your comment below.
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List of Samsung CSC Codes by Country in alphabetical Order:
- Samsung Afghanistan CSC Codes:
- AFG: Afghanistan.
- Samsung Albania CSC Codes:
- AVF: Vodafone Albania (Branded).
- Samsung Algeria CSC Codes:
- TMC: Algeria.
- Samsung Argentina CSC Codes:
- ANC: Argentina.
- ARO: Argentina.
- CTI: Argentina (Claro).
- UFN: Argentina (Movistar).
- PSN: Argentina (Personal).
- Samsung Australia CSC Codes:
- XSA: Australia.
- OPS: Australia (Optus).
- TEL: Australia (Telstra).
- HUT: Australia ( Three/Vodafone).
- VAU: Australia (Vodafone).
- Samsung Austria CSC Codes:
- TTR: Austria.
- ONE: Austria.
- DRE: Austria (3 Hutchison).
- MOB: Austria (A1).
- ATO: Austria (Open).
- TRG: Austria (Telering).
- MAX: Austria (T-Mobile).
- Samsung Baltic CSC Codes:
- SEB: Baltic.
- Samsung Bangladesh CSC Codes:
- BNG: Bangladesh.
- ETR: Bangladesh.
- TML: Bangladesh.
- Samsung Belgium CSC Codes:
- XEB: Belgium.
- PHB: Belgium.
- PRO: Belgium (Proximus).
- Samsung Bolivia CSC Codes:
- BVO: Bolivia.
- BVT: Bolivia.
- BVV: Bolivia.
- Samsung Bosnia and Herzegovina CSC Codes:
- TEB: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- ERO: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- BHT: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM).
- Samsung Brazil CSC Codes:
- ZTO: Brazil.
- ZTA: Brazil (Claro).
- ZTR: Brazil (Oi).
- ZTM: Brazil (TIM).
- ZVV: Brazil (VIVO).
- Samsung Bulgaria CSC Codes:
- BGL: Bulgaria.
- GBL: Bulgaria.
- MTL: Bulgaria (MTL).
- VVT: Bulgaria (VVT).
- Samsung Cambodia CSC Codes:
- CAM: Cambodia.
- Samsung Canada CSC Codes:
- MTB: Belarus.
- BMC: Bell Mobile.
- XAC: Canada (Unbranded).
- CHR: Chatr Mobile.
- ESK: EastLink.
- FMC: Fido Mobile.
- GLW: Globalive Wind Mobile.
- KDO: Koodo Mobile.
- RWC: Rogers.
- BWA: SaskTel.
- TLS: Telus.
- VTR: Vidéotron.
- VMC: Virgin Mobile Canada.
- Samsung Caucasus Countries CSC Codes:
- CAU: Caucasus Countries.
- Samsung Chile CSC Codes:
- CHO: Chile.
- CRC: Chile.
- CHL: Chile (Claro).
- CHE: Chile (Entel PCS).
- CHX: Chile (Nextel).
- CHT: Chile (Telefonica).
- CHV: Chile (VTR).
- Samsung China CSC Codes:
- CHN: China.
- CHM: China (China Mobile).
- CTC: China (China Telecom).
- CHC: China (Open China).
- Samsung Colombia CSC Codes:
- COO: Colombia.
- COL: Colombia.
- COM: Colombia (Comcel).
- COE: Colombia (ETB).
- COB: Colombia (Movistar).
- Samsung Costa Rica CSC Codes:
- ICE: Costa Rica.
- Samsung Croatia CSC Codes:
- TRA: Croatia.
- CRG: Croatia.
- DHR: Croatia (Bonbon).
- TWO: Croatia (TELE2).
- CRO: Croatia (T-Mobile).
- VIP: Croatia (VIPNET).
- Samsung Cyprus CSC Codes:
- CYO: Cyprus (Cytamobile Vodafone).
- CYV: Cyprus Vodafone.
- Samsung Czech Republic CSC Codes:
- ETL: Czech Republic.
- XEZ: Czech Republic.
- O2C: Czech Republic (O2C).
- TMZ: Czech Republic (T-Mobile).
- VDC: Czech Republic (Vodafone).
- Samsung Denmark CSC Codes:
- TDC: Denmark.
- Samsung Dominican Republic CSC Codes:
- CDR: Dominican Republic.
- DOO: Dominican Republic.
- DOR: Dominican Republic (Orange).
- Samsung Ecuador CSC Codes:
- ALE: Ecuador.
- EBE: Ecuador.
- ECO: Ecuador.
- Samsung Egypt CSC Codes:
- EGY: Egypt.
- Samsung El Salvador CSC Codes:
- ETE: El Salvador.
- Samsung Fiji CSC Codes:
- VFJ: Fiji (Vodafone).
- Samsung France CSC Codes:
- XEF: France.
- ORC: France.
- VGF: France.
- FTB: France.
- ORN: France.
- NRJ: France.
- BOG: France (Bouygues).
- FTM: France (Orange).
- SFR: France (SFR).
- Samsung Germany CSC Codes:
- DBT: Germany.
- XEG: Germany (1&1).
- EPL: Germany (E-Plus).
- DDE: Germany (Congstar).
- VIA: Germany (O2).
- DTM: Germany (T-Mobile).
- VD2: Germany (Vodafone).
- Samsung Greece CSC Codes:
- EUR: Greece.
- COS: Greece (Cosmote).
- VGR: Greece (Vodafone).
- Samsung Guatemala CSC Codes:
- PGU: Guatemala.
- TGU: Guatemala.
- CGU: Guatemala (Tigo).
- Samsung Honduras CSC Codes:
- CTE: Honduras.
- Samsung Hong Kong CSC Codes:
- TGY: Hong Kong.
- Samsung Hungary CSC Codes:
- XEH: Hungary.
- PAN: Hungary (Telenor).
- TMH: Hungary (T-mobile).
- VDH: Hungary Vodafone.
- Samsung India CSC Codes:
- INS: India.
- INU: India.
- Samsung Indonesia CSC Codes:
- XID: Indonesia.
- XSE: Indonesia.
- Samsung Iran CSC Codes:
- THR: Iran.
- Samsung Iraq CSC Codes:
- MID: Iraq.
- Samsung Ireland CSC Codes:
- ANP: Ireland.
- TSI: Ireland.
- O2I: Ireland O2.
- EIR: Ireland (eMobile).
- MET: Ireland (Meteor).
- 3IE: Ireland (Three).
- VDI: Ireland (Vodafone).
- Samsung Israel CSC Codes:
- ILO: Israel.
- CEL: Israel (Cellcom).
- PTR: Israel (Orange/Partner).
- PCL: Israel (Pelephone).
- Samsung Italy CSC Codes:
- ITV: Italy.
- HUI: Italy (H3G).
- TIM: Italy (TIM).
- OMN: Italy (Vodafone).
- WIN: Italy (Wind).
- Samsung Jamaica CSC Codes:
- CWW: Jamaica.
- JDI: Jamaica.
- Samsung Kazakhstan CSC Codes:
- SKZ: Kazakhstan.
- Samsung Kenya CSC Codes:
- AFR: Kenya.
- KEN: Kenya.
- Samsung Korea CSC Codes:
- KTC: Korea (KT Corporation).
- LUC: Korea (LG Uplus).
- SKC: Korea (SK Telecom).
- Samsung Libya CSC Codes:
- BTC: Libya.
- LYS: Libya.
- Samsung Luxembourg CSC Codes:
- LUX: Luxembourg.
- Samsung Macedonia CSC Codes:
- VIM: Macedonia.
- MBM: Macedonia (T-Mobile).
- Samsung Malaysia CSC Codes:
- XME: Malaysia.
- Samsung Mauritius CSC Codes:
- MRU: Mauritius.
- Samsung Mexico CSC Codes:
- IUS: Mexico.
- BAT: Mexico.
- MXO: Mexico.
- TMM: Mexico (Movistar).
- TCE: Mexico (Telcel).
- Samsung Montenegro CSC Codes:
- TMT: Montenegro.
- Samsung Morocco CSC Codes:
- MAT: Morocco (MAT).
- MED: Morocco.
- MWD: Morocco (MWD).
- Samsung Nepal CSC Codes:
- NPL: Nepal.
- Samsung Netherlands CSC Codes:
- PHN: Netherlands.
- XEN: Netherlands.
- DNL: Netherlands (Ben NL).
- KPN: Netherlands (KPN).
- TNL: Netherlands (T-Mobile).
- TPD: Netherlands.
- VDF: Netherlands (Vodafone).
- Samsung New Zealand CSC Codes:
- NZC: New Zealand.
- TNZ: New Zealand.
- VNZ: New Zealand (Vodafone).
- Samsung Nigeria CSC Codes:
- ECT: Nigeria.
- Samsung Nordic Countries CSC Codes:
- NEE: Nordic countries.
- Samsung Norway CSC Codes:
- TEN: Norway (Telenor).
- Samsung Pakistan CSC Codes:
- PAK: Pakistan.
- Samsung Panama CSC Codes:
- PBS: Panama.
- TPA: Panama.
- PCW: Panama (Cable & Wireless).
- CPA: Panama (Claro).
- Samsung Papua New Guinea CSC Codes:
- PNG: Papua New Guinea.
- Samsung Paraguay CSC Codes:
- CTP: Paraguay (Claro).
- PSP: Paraguay (Personal).
- TGP: Paraguay (Tigo).
- Samsung Peru CSC Codes:
- PET: Peru.
- PNT: Peru (Nextel).
- SAM: Peru (SAM).
- PVT: Peru (Viettel).
- Samsung Philippines CSC Codes:
- GLB: Philippines (Globe).
- XTC: Philippines (Open Line).
- SMA: Philippines (Smart).
- XTE: Philippines (Sun Cellular).
- Samsung Poland CSC Codes:
- XEO: Poland.
- DPL: Poland (Heyah).
- IDE: Poland (Orange).
- PRT: Poland (Play).
- PLS: Poland (PLUS).
- ERA: Poland (T-Mobile)
- TPL: Poland (T-Mobile).
- Samsung Portugal CSC Codes:
- MEO: Portugal.
- OPT: Portugal (Optimus).
- TMN: Portugal (TMN).
- TPH: Portugal (TPH).
- TCL: Portugal (Vodafone).
- Samsung Puerto Rico CSC Codes:
- PCT: Puerto Rico.
- Samsung Romania CSC Codes:
- ROM: Romania.
- HAT: Romania.
- COA: Romania (Cosmote).
- ORO: Romania (Orange).
- CNX: Romania (Vodafone).
- Samsung Russia CSC Codes:
- SER: Russia.
- Samsung Saudi Arabia CSC Codes:
- ACR: Saudi Arabia.
- JED: Saudi Arabia.
- KSA: Saudi Arabia.
- WTL: Saudi Arabia.
- XFU: Saudi Arabia (STC).
- Samsung Serbia CSC Codes:
- SMO: Serbia.
- TSR: Serbia (Telekom).
- MSR: Serbia (Telenor).
- TOP: Serbia (VIP).
- Samsung Singapore CSC Codes:
- MM1: Singapore.
- XSP: Singapore.
- XSO: Singapor (Singtel).
- SIN: Singapore (SingTel).
- STH: Singapore (StarHub).
- Samsung Slovakia CSC Codes:
- ORS: Slovakia.
- ORX: Slovakia.
- SIO: Slovakia.
- TMS: Slovakia.
- IRD: Slovakia (Orange).
- Samsung Slovenia CSC Codes:
- MOT: Slovenia (Mobitel).
- SIM: Slovenia (Si.mobil).
- Samsung South Africa CSC Codes:
- XFA: South Africa.
- XFE: South Africa.
- XFC: South Africa.
- XFM: South Africa.
- XFV: South Africa (Vodafone).
- Samsung South America CSC Codes:
- CRM: South America (Moviestar).
- NBS: South America (Open Line).
- Samsung South East Europe CSC Codes:
- SEE: South East Europe.
- Samsung Spain CSC Codes:
- PHE: Spain.
- FOP: Spain.
- XEC: Spain (Movistar).
- AMN: Spain (Orange).
- AMO: Spain (Orange).
- ATL: Spain (Vodafone).
- YOG: Spain (Yoigo).
- Samsung Sri Lanka CSC Codes:
- SLK: Sri Lanka.
- Samsung Sweden CSC Codes:
- VDS: Sweden.
- XEE: Sweden.
- HTS: Sweden (Tre).
- Samsung Switzerland CSC Codes:
- AUT: Switzerland.
- SUN: Switzerland.
- ORG: Switzerland .
- MOZ: Switzerland .
- SWC: Switzerland (Swisscom).
- Samsung Taiwan CSC Codes:
- BRI: Taiwan.
- WAN: Taiwan.
- CWT: Taiwan.
- Samsung Thailand CSC Codes:
- THL: Thailand.
- Samsung Trinidad and Tobago CSC Codes:
- EON: Trinidad and Tobago.
- TTT: Trinidad and Tobago.
- Samsung Tunisia CSC Codes:
- TUN: Tunisia.
- Samsung Turkey CSC Codes:
- TUR: Turkey.
- TRC: Turkey.
- Samsung Ukraine CSC Codes:
- SEK: Ukraine (Kyivstar).
- Samsung United Arab Emirates CSC Codes:
- XSG: United Arab Emirates.
- XSS: United Arab Emirates.
- Samsung United Kingdom CSC Codes:
- BTU: United Kingdom.
- VIR: United Kingdom.
- EVR: United Kingdom (EE).
- H3G: United Kingdom (H3G).
- O2U: United Kingdom (O2).
- ORA: United Kingdom (Orange).
- TMU: United Kingdom (T-Mobile).
- VOD: United Kingdom (Vodafone).
- XEU: United Kingdom / Ireland.
- CPW: United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse).
- Samsung United States CSC Codes:
- LRA: Bluegrass Cellular.
- BST: Boost Mobile.
- CCT: Xfinity Mobile (Comcast).
- XAR: Cellular South US.
- AIO: Cricket Wireless.
- GCF: Global Certification Forum.
- TMK: MetroPCS USA.
- ACG: Nextech / C-Spire.
- CHA: Spectrum Mobile (Charter).
- SPR: Sprint (CDMA).
- TMB: T-Mobile USA.
- TFN: Tracfone.
- USC: US Cellular.
- XAS: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
- XAA: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
- VZW: Verizon.
- VMU: Virgin Mobile USA.
- Samsung Uruguay CSC Codes:
- UFU: Uruguay.
- UPO: Uruguay.
- UYO: Uruguay.
- CTU: Uruguay (Claro).
- Samsung Uzbekistan CSC Codes:
- CAC: Uzbekistan.
- Samsung Vietnam CSC Codes:
- XXV: Vietnam.
- Samsung Zambia CSC Codes:
- MTZ: Zambia (MTN Zambia).
List of Samsung CSC Codes in alphabetical Order:
- 3IE: Ireland (Three).
- ACG: USA (Nextech / C-Spire.
- ACR: Saudi Arabia.
- AFG: Afghanistan.
- AFR: Kenya.
- AIO: USA (Cricket).
- ALE: Ecuador.
- AMN: Spain (Orange).
- AMO: Spain (Orange).
- ANC: Argentina.
- ANP: Ireland.
- ARO: Argentina.
- ATL: Spain (Vodafone).
- ATO: Austria (Open).
- ATT: USA (AT&T).
- AUT: Switzerland.
- AVF: Albania (Vodafone).
- BAT: Mexico.
- BGL: Bulgaria.
- BHT: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH TELECOM).
- BMC: Canada (Bell Mobile).
- BNG: Bangladesh.
- BOG: France (Bouygues).
- BRI: Taiwan.
- BST: USA (Boost Mobile).
- BTC: Libya.
- BTU: United Kingdom.
- BVO: Bolivia.
- BVT: Bolivia.
- BVV: Bolivia.
- BWA: Canada (SaskTel).
- CAC: Uzbekistan.
- CAM: Cambodia.
- CAU: Caucasus Countries.
- CCT: USA (Xfinity Mobile (Comcast)).
- CDR: Dominican Republic.
- CEL: Israel (Cellcom).
- CGU: Guatemala (Tigo).
- CHA: USA (Spectrum Mobile (Charter)).
- CHC: China (Open China).
- CHE: Chile (Entel PCS).
- CHL: Chile (Claro).
- CHM: China (China Mobile).
- CHN: China.
- CHO: Chile.
- CHR: Canada (Chatr Mobile).
- CHT: Chile (Telefonica).
- CHV: Chile (VTR).
- CHX: Chile (Nextel).
- CNX: Romania (Vodafone).
- COA: Romania (Cosmote).
- COB: Colombia (Movistar).
- COE: Colombia (ETB).
- COL: Colombia.
- COM: Colombia (Comcel).
- COO: Colombia.
- COS: Greece (Cosmote).
- CPA: Panama (Claro).
- CPW: United Kingdom (Carphone Warehouse).
- CRC: Chile.
- CRG: Croatia.
- CRM: South America (Moviestar).
- CRO: Croatia (T-Mobile).
- CTC: China (China Telecom).
- CTE: Honduras.
- CTI: Argentina (Claro).
- CTP: Paraguay (Claro).
- CTU: Uruguay (Claro).
- CWT: Taiwan.
- CWW: Jamaica.
- CYO: Cyprus (Cytamobile Vodafone).
- CYV: Cyprus (Vodafone).
- DBT: Germany.
- DDE: Germany (Congstar).
- DHR: Croatia (Bonbon).
- DNL: Netherlands (Ben NL).
- DOO: Dominican Republic.
- DOR: Dominican Republic (Orange).
- DPL: Poland (Heyah).
- DRE: Austria (3 Hutchison).
- DTM: Germany (T-Mobile).
- EBE: Ecuador.
- ECO: Ecuador.
- ECT: Nigeria.
- EGY: Egypt.
- EIR: Ireland (eMobile).
- EON: Trinidad and Tobago.
- EPL: Germany (E-Plus).
- ERA: Poland (T-Mobile).
- ERO: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- ESK: Canada (EastLink).
- ETE: El Salvador.
- ETL: Czech Republic.
- ETR: Bangladesh.
- EUR: Greece.
- EVR: United Kingdom (EE).
- FMC: Canada (Fido Mobile).
- FOP: Spain.
- FTB: France.
- FTM: France (Orange).
- GBL: Bulgaria.
- GCF: Global Certification Forum.
- GLB: Philippines (Globe).
- GLW: Canada (Globalive Wind Mobile).
- H3G: United Kingdom (H3G).
- HAT: Romania.
- HTS: Sweden (Tre).
- HUI: Italy (H3G).
- HUT: Australia ( Three/Vodafone).
- ICE: Costa Rica.
- IDE: Poland (Orange).
- ILO: Israel.
- INS: India.
- INU: India.
- IRD: Slovakia (Orange).
- ITV: Italy.
- IUS: Mexico.
- JDI: Jamaica.
- JED: Saudi Arabia.
- KDO: Canada (Koodo Mobile).
- KEN: Kenya.
- KPN: Netherlands (KPN).
- KSA: Saudi Arabia.
- KTC: Korea (KT Corporation).
- LRA: USA (Bluegrass Cellular).
- LUC: Korea (LG Uplus).
- LUX: Luxembourg.
- LYS: Libya.
- MAT: Morocco (MAT).
- MAX: Austria (T-Mobile).
- MBM: Macedonia (T-Mobile).
- MED: Morocco.
- MEO: Portugal.
- MET: Ireland (Meteor).
- MID: Iraq.
- MM1: Singapore.
- MOB: Austria (A1).
- MOT: Slovenia (Mobitel).
- MOZ: Switzerland.
- MRU: Mauritius.
- MSR: Serbia (Telenor).
- MTB: Canada (Belarus).
- MTL: Bulgaria (MTL).
- MTZ: Zambia (MTN Zambia).
- MWD: Morocco (MWD).
- MXO: Mexico.
- NBS: South America (Open Line).
- NEE: Nordic countries.
- NPL: Nepal.
- NRJ: France.
- NZC: New Zealand.
- O2C: Czech Republic (O2C).
- O2I: Ireland O2.
- O2U: United Kingdom (O2).
- OMN: Italy (Vodafone).
- ONE: Austria.
- OPS: Australia (Optus).
- OPT: Portugal (Optimus).
- ORA: United Kingdom (Orange).
- ORC: France.
- ORG: Switzerland.
- ORN: France.
- ORO: Romania (Orange).
- ORS: Slovakia.
- ORX: Slovakia.
- PAK: Pakistan (PAK).
- PAN: Hungary (Telenor).
- PBS: Panama.
- PCL: Israel (Pelephone).
- PCT: Puerto Rico.
- PCW: Panama (Cable & Wireless).
- PET: Peru.
- PGU: Guatemala.
- PHB: Belgium.
- PHE: Spain.
- PHN: Netherlands.
- PLS: Poland (PLUS).
- PNG: Papua New Guinea.
- PNT: Peru (Nextel).
- PRO: Belgium (Proximus).
- PRT: Poland (Play).
- PSN: Argentina (Personal).
- PSP: Paraguay (Personal).
- PTR: Israel (Orange/Partner).
- PVT: Peru (Viettel).
- ROM: Romania.
- RWC: Canada (Rogers).
- SAM: Peru (SAM).
- SEB: Baltic.
- SEE: South East Europe.
- SEK: Ukraine (Kyivstar).
- SER: Russia.
- SFR: France (SFR).
- SIM: Slovenia (Si.mobil).
- SIN: Singapore (SingTel).
- SIO: Slovakia.
- SKC: Korea (SK Telecom).
- SKZ: Kazakhstan.
- SLK: Sri Lanka.
- SMA: Philippines (Smart).
- SMO: Serbia.
- SPR: USA (Sprint (CDMA)).
- STH: Singapore (StarHub).
- SUN: Switzerland.
- SWC: Switzerland (Swisscom).
- TCE: Mexico (Telcel).
- TCL: Portugal (Vodafone).
- TDC: Denmark.
- TEB: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- TEL: Australia (Telstra).
- TEN: Norway (Telenor).
- TFN: USA (Tracfone).
- TGP: Paraguay (Tigo).
- TGU: Guatemala.
- TGY: Hong Kong.
- THL: Thailand.
- THR: Iran.
- TIM: Italy (TIM).
- TLS: Canada (Telus).
- TMB: USA (T-Mobile).
- TMC: Algeria.
- TMH: Hungary (T-mobile).
- TMK: USA (MetroPCS).
- TML: Bangladesh.
- TMM: Mexico (Movistar).
- TMN: Portugal (TMN).
- TMS: Slovakia.
- TMT: Montenegro.
- TMU: United Kingdom (T-Mobile).
- TMZ: Czech Republic (T-Mobile).
- TNL: Netherlands (T-Mobile).
- TNZ: New Zealand.
- TOP: Serbia (VIP).
- TPA: Panama.
- TPD: Netherlands.
- TPH: Portugal (TPH).
- TPL: Poland (T-mobile).
- TRA: Croatia.
- TRC: Turkey.
- TRG: Austria (Telering).
- TSI: Ireland.
- TSR: Serbia (Telekom).
- TTR: Austria.
- TTT: Trinidad and Tobago.
- TUN: Tunisia.
- TUR: Turkey.
- TWO: Croatia (TELE2).
- UFN: Argentina (Movistar).
- UFU: Uruguay.
- UPO: Uruguay.
- USC: US Cellular.
- UYO: Uruguay.
- VAU: Australia (Vodafone).
- VD2: Germany (Vodafone).
- VDC: Czech Republic (Vodafone).
- VDF: Netherlands (Vodafone).
- VDH: Hungary Vodafone.
- VDI: Ireland (Vodafone).
- VDS: Sweden.
- VFJ: Fiji (Vodafone).
- VGF: France.
- VGR: Greece (Vodafone).
- VIA: Germany (O2).
- VIM: Macedonia.
- VIP: Croatia (VIPNET).
- VIR: United Kingdom.
- VMC: Virgin Mobile Canada.
- VMU: Virgin Mobile USA.
- VNZ: New Zealand (Vodafone).
- VOD: United Kingdom (Vodafone).
- VTR: Canada (Vidéotron).
- VVT: Bulgaria (VVT).
- VZW: USA (Verizon).
- WAN: Taiwan.
- WIN: Italy (Wind).
- WTL: Saudi Arabia.
- XAA: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
- XAC: Canada (Unbranded).
- XAG: USA (Tracfone).
- XAR: Cellular South US.
- XAS: USA (Unbranded/Unlocked).
- XEB: Belgium.
- XEC: Spain (Movistar).
- XEE: Sweden.
- XEF: France.
- XEG: Germany (1&1).
- XEH: Hungary.
- XEN: Netherlands.
- XEO: Poland.
- XEU: United Kingdom / Ireland.
- XEZ: Czech Republic.
- XFA: South Africa.
- XFC: South Africa.
- XFE: South Africa.
- XFM: South Africa.
- XFU: Saudi Arabia (STC).
- XFV: South Africa (Vodafone).
- XID: Indonesia.
- XME: Malaysia.
- XSA: Australia.
- XSE: Indonesia.
- XSG: United Arab Emirates.
- XSO: Singapor (Singtel).
- XSP: Singapore.
- XSS: United Arab Emirates.
- XTC: Philippines (Open Line).
- XTE: Philippines (Sun Cellular).
- XXV: Vietnam.
- YOG: Spain (Yoigo).
- ZTA: Brazil (Claro).
- ZTM: Brazil (TIM).
- ZTO: Brazil.
- ZTR: Brazil (Oi).
- ZVV: Brazil (VIVO).
in need of assistance wit my first official root and reboot
Sorry, But we do not do any rooting.
Code EUX ?
On Samsung, the EUX region code means that the device is intended for sale and use in the European Union. This means that the device has firmware optimized for European countries, with all necessary localization, communication frequencies and support for local operators. Such a device can be used without problems in any European country.
What does DS code mean?
It means DUAL SIM Cards.
А что означает код XGD?
What is your phone’s model number?